workshop to experiment with forms of unlearning conventional structures of poetry

The writing techniques used by avant-garde writers – such as Futurists, Dadaists, or Lettristes  for example, or William S. Burroughs’ and Bryon Gysin’s work with cut-up – were addressed to invite the participants to playfully experiment with some alternative methods of using language to devise their own poetry. The workshop encouraged the participants to experiment with chance, collaboration and presentation in an effort to foreground the process as an outcome in itself.  

[These experiments in literature brought process – with a particular emphasis in the introduction of chance factors to the creative act – to the forefront of writing techniques, relegating the final result to a secondary position, thus freeing experimentation from language codes, hierarchies and academic structures and fostering self-empowerment]

The workshop culminated in a presentation where the texts produced were performed as a simultaneous poem.